About US

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an internationally reputed institution, dedicated to the promotion of education and culture, is a charitable public trust founded by Dr.K.M.Munshi on November 7th 1938. Amongst the founding members were Dr.Rajendra Prasad, the first President of free India and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the First prime Minister of free India.

The school aims at making students grow into responsible members of the community and useful citizens; attaining moral, intellectual and physical upliftment. Academic excellence is the one target today which has changed from the conventional lecture, chalk and dusty board. The children have days filled with activities in various forms that bring their understanding of theory to the application in the real world.

The foundation stone of the Kolkata School was laid down by former President of India Shri Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy in 1984. The Bhavan’s has since upheld the tradition under the guidance of Bhavan’s Mumbai Kendra and strives towards development into the future of globalisation. We march on, balancing the integration of modern technology with the preservation of cultural and aesthetic values, upholding Swami Vivekananda’s tenet for Indian Renaissance, “Out of the past is born the present…out of the present is born the future.”

Amongst other values, the Bhavan’s is well known for its secular and liberal stance. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has praised the Bhavan’s promotion of spiritual, ethical, social and educational heritage and its ‘effort to foster equal respect for all religions’.