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Our students took part in a day long intra –school Art workshop on the 29th of April, 2014.
The workshop aimed at acquainting the students with the environmental concerns of today; in other words the whole objective was to encourage more and more students out of their comfort zone in the digital world into the reality surrounding them. As a part of the ongoing project on ‘The Changing Environment”, the workshop aimed at creating awareness among students on various pertinent issues relating to the degradation of the environment through posters, models and installations.
Various issues were highlighted in the event by students of classes VIII-XII, from the abysmal condition of city roads to the perpetual problems of water scarcity, the terrifying desert silently reclaiming fertile lands and the once wildlife hotspots being stripped of their exotic attractions.
While the posters were mostly suggestive of the little individual contributions that could save the planet ,the majority of the models  featured an animated EARTH fatigued  by global warming ,burdened by garbage  (and  population ) blinded by smog and  deprived of the very basic  care –all because of the ungrateful  inhabitants united in their insatiable greed  and unscrupulous  consumerism.
One highly innovative design portrayed a tiny globe in the clutches of a BUGDROID (THE ANDROID ROBOT) with several other Bugbots creeping below --perhaps a genuine concern or maybe a subtle satire on over digitalisation.

Besides highlighting numerous environmental issues, the workshop also was instrumental in showcasing the talent and artistic genius of our young students.  

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